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Pierre Vers-De-Terre's music
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One of my latest: Woman Alive (2013-2014) [more info]

Hi there, welcome!

My name is Pierre Vers-De-Terre (born Pierre-Verthume Larivière) and I am an amateur music composer and a funky performer. Over the years I have spent countless hours, days, weeks and months recording various tunes. Some with some bands, some on my own, a lot on my own lately!

Today I have decided to create this website and put everything I have ever recorded here in one place. This is basically my personal musical collection of all the songs I have ever created or was part of. A place to pretend that I exist and that I am here in this world with you :)

At least I put here the new songs I make and the old ones that I could find but unfortunately I am missing many old songs from the good old times :(. If you have any of my old music, like some of these old tapes that I used make and distribute to all my friends, please let me know, as I would to love find some of the missing old stuff! It was the good time, the good time wont come back, you understand...

I have classified everything here by musical projects. Each project represents a band or a musical period and is of a different musical genre matching my influences at the time and the other members too! I am happy that I had the chance to create or participate into the recording of all of these various songs and hope to be able to continue to record many more in the future.

Thank you for visiting and I hope that you will enjoy. If you have any comment do not hesitate to contact me

My projects: